Everyone needs an editor—something I quickly discovered when entering the communication industry fresh out of university. With a somewhat unconventional start as a historical resource’s communication assistant at a rural museum, every grant, proposal, newspaper article—and yes—even special event, needs an editor.
But to understand and appreciate what an editor does, one must write, and boy, did I want to. Starting in high school, I reached out to a few online magazines when the internet was becoming a “thing” and was lucky to begin my writing career by providing views on world events, along with a few editorials for teen magazines. Here, I learned about the relationship between a writer and an editor. Understanding how to take feedback and how a different perspective on your writing style can help you reach a greater audience can be challenging at first, but it is gratifying. The teachings from my early writing career followed me to post-secondary, and though my focus was on developing my craft, editing was always there—always in the background, reminding me that to become a better writer, I must listen and learn from those who understood the strategic part of this craft.
An editor deciphers your writing, making suggestions and adjustments to your work so you can effectively communicate with your target audience. As a writer, you want your readers to understand your views. You want your readers to listen, to learn, and to make decisions, but you must be able to reach them.

Whether writing a personal manuscript or a technical document discussing a product, both texts have something in common: each must be understood by the audience.
And an editor understands your audience. They understand that your writing must be short and structured to reach individuals in the field. They understand that your writing should be creative and full of depth for readers looking for an escape.
As I move throughout my career as a writer and now as an editor, working in publishing, information technology, and Albertan history, I’ve gained insight into various writing styles and communication techniques, which have only been enhanced since working at Scriptorium. Here, I provide that fresh perspective on documents, revising text to help each client reach their audience—whether it be their employees, their clients, or the general public.
Through the combined experience of the Scriptorium team, we use our strengths in writing and editing, understanding that open communication between the writer and the editor is essential in achieving a well-polished and ready-to-print document—a document that is designed for your audience.
Learn more about Eileen and the rest of the team on our About Us page.
Growing our team increases our capacity for our clients. We believe that each of our writers brings an important set of skills that work together to make us a diverse and capable team. This gives us the flexibility to support a variety of projects by assigning the right writer or team to support your project needs. Contact us to book one of our team members to work with you on your writing and instructional projects.
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