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Why Did You Become a Writer?

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

Welcome to another Scriptorium team Q&A or #AskScriptoriumAnything. Our team is lucky to be able to do challenging work that we love. We are all professional writers, but our journey to making writing a career has been very different for each of us. It all starts with why we wanted to become writers.

Jaclyn Lawrence

I was able to turn a life-long passion for words into a career, writing and editing everything from oilfield manuals to a novel.

Annette Wierstra

I think many avid readers aspire to be writers. I had plans to be a great novelist when I was in junior high. I got my first writing job at a small newspaper, which I thought I would have loved. I learned a ton, but it wasn’t the right fit for me. When I learned about technical writing at an open house for MacEwan University’s professional writing program, my interest was twigged. After the first class, I was sold. I like how it meshes my writing skills with organization skills and I am always learning new things from our variety of clients.

Pamela Scott

I was always writing and when others found it hard, it came easy to me. I didn’t want a job where I had to do creative writing every day because I felt it would drain my love for writing. I was grateful to find technical writing. It is the perfect fit for me.

Felicia Mason

I’ve always enjoyed language, but never aspired to become a writer. My mom is dyslexic and growing up she actively read to better her own reading abilities and encourage our language skills. This led me to take French immersion schooling for junior high and high school. I had fully intended to go to a French university, but life had different plans. So, after a few years away from high school and too many rude customers in the service industry, I decided to go to university and enrolled in a program I thought might be interesting: professional communications. Turns out I have some writing skills!

Eileen Brettner

When I was younger, I was quite shy, so I found that writing was the best way to express myself. I never thought I could make a career out of it until post-secondary, where I found so many different forms and styles that I could delve into, and I’ve never looked back!


#AskScriptoriumAnything Once in a while, we’re each going to answer the same question from our own perspective, experience, and interests so you can get to know more about us and what we do. Have a question for us? Send it via our social media or email.

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