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Mother's Day

Updated: Jul 26

We at Scriptorium are incredibly lucky to have a wonderful work-life balance, allowing us to be present for the most memorable events in life. Particularly those that involve our children.

With Mother's Day upon us, we want to reflect on those who guided us throughout our childhood to the memories we have—and are making—as we now take on the roles of parents to our growing little ones.

A title of "Mother's Day" on a green background with a flower bouquet.

Making Memories

Parenting is tough. There's no instruction manual for it—a common phrase heard on the way to motherhood—but it's the day-to-day moments that make life memorable. From the bumps and scrapes to the epic grocery store meltdowns, one little hug and kiss and one little whisper of "I love you" makes it all better. You blink, and your once newborn is now 8, 14, or 21. They really do grow up quickly. And as parents, we continue to pivot through life while watching, guarding, and guiding our children as they find themselves.

Mother's Day celebrates these memories by honouring family traditions or even making new ones. We recognize the past and how far our relationships have come with our mothers as we embrace the future.

Rebecca: "My Mother's Day has been the same since I was a little girl. My mom, grandmothers, and I always go to the same greenhouse outside of Camrose on Mother's Day and pick out baskets of flowers. It never feels like spring until I go to the greenhouse with them. My kids are still young, and I'm still in the thick of parenting, so they don't really notice what day it is (except that it means they get to go to Grandma's house). But it's a treat every time I step out of the cool May breeze and into the greenhouse's warm air that smells like damp soil and petunias. Sigh, I can't wait."

Pam: "We have no specific traditions, other than brunch, but what I thought Mother's Day would be when I had children is very different than how it is. We spend the day with my mother and my mother-in-law. I thought it would be my turn to have a special day, but instead, it's a day where we celebrate all the mothers together. It gives a lovely generational feeling to the day that I never expected and have grown to love."

Kaitlyn: "Mother's Day is sometimes difficult for me. Growing up, we celebrated every year by making breakfast in bed for my mother with presents, cards, and flowers. My dad always made sure it was a special day to celebrate how hard she worked for our family. When I found out I was pregnant a few days before Mother's Day in 2018, I announced my pregnancy in a card I gave my mother! Since becoming a mother myself, I've experienced a lot of unexpected challenges that can make the day feel very hard. I am so, so grateful for the friends and family I have in my life who never fail to make me feel special and loved on this day. From flowers showing up at my door to cards and messages from my friends, I'm very lucky to have a thoughtful and supportive village."

Thoughtful Gifts

Sometimes, our children can surprise us with thoughtful gifts. Even with their busy schedules of school, homework, and extracurricular activities, they sneakily find ways to devote time to a project of their own just for Mother's Day. Though never expected, it always warms the heart when such a surprise takes place.

Jaclyn: "While my son always makes Mother's Day special, one gift comes to mind for being especially sweet and unique. In fifth grade, he asked his teacher if he could use his free-reading time between Christmas and Mother's Day to write me a book. Written by hand, illustrated, and still on my bookshelf."

Eileen: "My daughter loves the idea of a celebration—especially if it involves sweets and art. She crafts her own comic books and leaves them on the kitchen table for me to read before we head out to get cupcakes for the day. We usually swing by my parent's house to share the treats and bring other small gifts to my mom to help celebrate."

Whether it's through honouring traditions, being recognized for the hardships of parenthood, or receiving a special gift, Mother's Day can bring a wealth of emotions through our memories and thoughts of the future. We at Scriptorium honour all mothers every day and are here to celebrate your stories as well. Through guidance on creative projects, workshops to enhance your skills in and out of the workforce, or providing that helpful eye in proofreading any document, we are here for you.


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